As a private investor or as a family office that manages the assets of private individuals with an existing property portfolio, there are various ways for you to invest in property. Since many institutional investors have reached their property quota, the supply of investment properties for private investors has also increased.

We understand the complexity you face and will work with you in partnership to optimise or build up a property portfolio as well as (re)investing in the property asset class. With our many years of experience and our experts, we are at your side to help you achieve your investment goals.

We offer solutions for your needs

You can find out what these are by clicking on the relevant services.

Would you like to participate in a larger investment as a private, qualified investor together with a small group of investors? With property club deals, you can participate in attractive property investments that would not be accessible to you alone.

Property club deals enable private, qualified investors or investor groups to invest in individual properties and property portfolios. This allows you to participate in the ongoing yield and potential increase in value of a property without having to purchase the entire property or portfolio.

Avobis structures and handles the entire process: from grouping the investors to securing the properties, drawing up the business plan and handling the entire transaction.

We accompany you through the entire sales process of portfolios or investment properties such as office, commercial, retail and logistics properties as well as apartment blocks, whether through an asset deal, share deal or a forward deal of a project with planning permission.

We offer you:

  • Discounted cash flow valuations of properties
  • Analysing the properties, determining the most important value drivers, preparing the sales documents
  • Strategic sales advice
  • Tax optimisation of the transaction in collaboration with established tax experts
  • Handling all negotiations

Our clients benefit from our extensive network of potential buyers.

From the greenfield site to handing over the keys, our experienced marketing team will advise and support you in a committed, cost-effective and targeted manner during initial lettings and sales. We offer:

  • Advice on project development
  • Market analysis to clarify earnings potential and identify optimisation opportunities
  • Customised marketing and repositioning concepts
  • Search for tenants (private, office and commercial)

We carry out property and portfolio analyses for the holistic analysis and optimisation of your property (strategy). As experts in regional characteristics and developments, we use data to identify (new) target regions and highlight the opportunities and risks of individual user markets. As the client’s representative, we stand up for the client’s interests throughout the entire development and construction process and ensure quality assurance as well as deadline and cost control given the increasing complexity of construction.

As your portfolio manager, we analyse your property portfolio and develop a sustainable and optimal property and portfolio strategy according to your specifications and wishes.

We then take responsibility for implementing this strategy and report to you regularly on progress and success. We offer:

  • Management and control of (property) management
  • Property and portfolio strategy
  • Portfolio and property monitoring and management incl. implementation of construction measures
  • Written and personal reports according to your specifications and wishes
  • Coordination, review and monitoring of valuers and their valuation reports
  • Financial and mortgage management
  • Optimisation of the financing structure
  • Selection and management of service providers such as property managers, consultants, architects and tax experts

We offer comprehensive financing services from a volume of CHF 5 million. We provide support in all matters relating to financing, loan agreements and financing products. We also carry out portfolio analyses in order to optimise the financing structure.

Pjeter Baftiaj Quadratisch


Pjeter Baftiaj

Head of Transactions

Tel. +41 58 255 39 77

Brandschenkestrasse 38
8001 Zurich