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Monetary Policy Outlook 2025

How are interest rates developing in Switzerland and worldwide and what does this mean for market participants? Our experts share their opinion on the market situation in the current assessment of the interest rate market.

Monetary Policy Outlook 2025
Bergsteiger Gipfel Freiheit

Outlook Investment Properties 2025

In this analysis, we examine six key questions that will determine the market for investment property this year. We classify macroeconomic trends, analyse structural drivers and assess the opportunities and risks for investors in a changing market environment.

Outlook 2025
Low Angle View Of Skyscrapers

For your success with real estate

Private and institutional property owners and investors gain access to customised property solutions. We offer property consulting, financing and transaction processing as well as investment services such as mortgage servicing or the development of investment products. We are independent and exclusively committed to the interests of our clients.

Get in touch with us
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Avobis market mirror 2024/2

On 15 pages, the Avobis market mirror visualises and classifies the most important key figures of the 16 major Swiss labour market regions with a focus on the residential property market. The most important data on demand, supply and market results as well as an outlook enable investors to assess developments in the individual functionally related regions.

Avobis Market Mirror

Our services


Employees: Property specialists, Financing experts, Data specialists

since 1997

successful in the Swiss property market

3 bn.

Transaction volume processed


Average cost savings achieved in financing

>2 bn.

Mortgages and properties as assets under management

12 bn.

In volume of mortgages and loans under management

3 bn.

Mortgage volume processed p.a.


Completed energy-efficient refurbishment projects

«The Avobis financing team successfully supported us in securing full financing for our new building. This includes space for 88 residents, a day care centre for 96 children, 24 serviced apartments, a kindergarten, a spacious garden and a bistro. Particularly valuable was the expert advice on various interest rate hedging options, which ultimately enabled an attractive and long-term financing structure.»

Daniel Suter
President of the Ecumenical Association for a Neubad Generation House

«We were the first public hospital in Switzerland to secure several hundred million Swiss francs worth of financing via the capital market – without having to rely on capital from our sponsoring municipalities.»

Thomas Brack
Director Limmattal Hospital

«Thanks to Avobis, we were able to expand our clients’ mortgage portfolio to an impressive 1.5 billion within 5 years! We have always benefited from Avobis’ flexible set-up and many years of experience.»

Maurizio Pedrini
Portfolio Management Swisscanto Anlagestiftung Hypotheken Schweiz

«We were able to save massively on interest costs for our renovation project and conclude favourable financing.»

Christian Lötscher
Housing Cooperative Belforterstrasse

«We found a debt advisor who supported us in all aspects and represented our needs to capital providers.»

Philipp Scheuzger
CFO Baden Cantonal Hospital

«Our know-how in financial matters is complemented by bank-specific knowledge. This gives us additional security and saves us time and money.»

Christian Zeyer
President Housing Cooperative Oberfelden